While the best networking result remains a referral from an existing client, the paths to that outcome have changed radically. To light up your contact base, you need to plug into new methods of soliciting business. The use of alternative wholesale channels, virtual selling, and digital marketing are just a few of the new ways of networking. These, combined with the pandemic limiting the all-important face-to-face connections, have left salespeople confused. How do you grow your contact base in today’s world?

Add Talent

To develop your business, consider adding channels and talents whose expertise can rapidly grow your contact base of customers.

  • Social media manager – As with any critical business function, hire someone with experience to manage your social media accounts. A social media manager can increase brand awareness, drive traffic to your domain, and cultivate leads.

Through various platforms, my social media manager initiates contact with specific high-potential market clients. From his work, I average 15 new subscribers to my blog readers list per week. The growth in my network through this form of connecting is phenomenal.

  • Marketing strategistA marketing strategist identifies new market opportunities and consumer preferences for your products or services. This is done by implementing the best automated marketing software for your business.

My marketing strategist sets up distribution and presentation software that connects to my customer database. From this he generates weekly emails and monthly sales tips. He now is in the process of implementing video streaming so clients can access my training programs online.

Harvest Connections to Build that Contact Base

There are large pools of both social media managers and marketing specialists available around the country. These experts typically work with a number of clients, so their fractional cost to you is reasonable. Marketing and social media are important to your future success so choose wisely (see gearing-up-to-hire). With these contracted associates you can harvest qualified connections that will lead to new relationships and the growth of your contact base.

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