Our mind can be likened to an iceberg. The tip of the iceberg represents the relatively small part of our brain which is our conscious mind. This part can only process two or three thoughts at a time. According to a report by Crystal Reynolds, we have approximately 6,000 views per day (How Many Thoughts Do You Have Each Day? And Other Things to Think About, Crystal Reynolds, Healthline, Feb. 28, 2022). Our subconscious, the large part of our brain that sits below the surface, stores up to five million thoughts and memories. The conscious mind acts on the impulses of our subconscious. Effective planning of daily communications is dependent upon our control of the conscious mind.

Journals and Pocket Planners

A daily journal and a pocket planner are two organizational tools that enable you to order your conscious thoughts so that you are free to concentrate on your present tasks. The purpose of both a journal and a pocket planner is to keep written notes in a single place so you can organize your thoughts. Writing thoughts down allows you to do this. With tasks and appointments recorded, you can focus on the job at hand.

In and Out of the Office

Your journal, generally an  8 ½ by 11 inch or 5 by 8-inch spiral-bound notebook, serves as your business command center and usually stays in the office. I prefer the 5 by 8 inch, available at any office supply store. Your pocket planner, on the other hand, slips into your back pocket or purse. It goes with you when business is off-site. It lets you record important information from meetings and events outside the office. When you are in the office, transfer the notes from your pocket planner to the journal so they are in one central place.

Keep Good Records

Writing in a journal and a pocket planner allows you to be more organized with less stress. Here are some suggestions for good record-keeping in your journal.

  1. Date all entries.
  2. Note personal requests with names or other pertinent information.
  3. List all messages and requests.
  4. Highlight important figures and numbers.
  5. Include email addresses and phone numbers of people you meet even if you don’t intend to move them into your contact list.
  6. Check off all finished business.
  7. Date journals when completed and save them. They provide valuable business history.

Take Control

We need to master the ability to give our undivided attention to the task at hand. Writing thoughts down in your daily journal and pocket planner allows you to do just that. Take control of your mind with a journal and pocket planner, relieve stress, and organize your way to success.

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