Having a consistent digital filing system that supports your business’s objectives is critical to success in the digital era. Here are 3 key actions to consider when building your permanent filing system:

  1. Save files by year. It is important to create new file storage each year. Annual filing prevents data clutter that can slow the search process. Referencing the year it was created, makes data easier to find. If you need to reference a file from a previous year multiple times. Simply copy and paste it into the current year for easier access.
  •  Create 5 to 10 main folders. Each year create new main folders that represent your focus areas. Moreover, my primary folders include Personal, ISD (business), Ministry (I’m an associate pastor), Art of Sales (for my books), Sales Articles (for regular publications), Seminars (I offer public speaking and training), Rockies (relating to season tickets for the Colorado Rockies), WeeklyReviews, and Planning Management.

Identify your core interests and obligations and create your folders accordingly. For example, as Senior Vice President of Sales for a distribution company, your folders might include Personal, Business, Competitors, Sales, Vendors, and Sales Managers/Reps.

Lastly, creating folders by key responsibilities annually enables you to find specific documents in less than 15 seconds.

  • Use Archive folders. How many times have you updated a document only to find that you didn’t hit “save,” or deleted it by accident? The Archive folder is used to keep a historic record of files so you can recreate records if they are lost. Archiving saves endless hours of work and maybe even a client or a job!

The consistent filing system

In conclusion, by saving files by year, creating folders by key responsibilities, and archiving important documents, you can build a permanent filing system and a more efficient business.

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