A full mailbox is a time sink. Many people assert that checking emails is the biggest time-waster among all management tools. This makes it difficult to find important ones that are waiting for a response. To better manage your email and keep clutter at bay, keep your mailboxes empty.

A radical idea

To those of us who check our email every time the phone pings an alert or the computer signals you’ve got mail, this will sound like a radical idea. To manage your time better and achieve an empty Inbox and Sent Box, I suggest that you open your email no more than twice per day. Review it once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Use one of these two times to clear your emails.

File, route, discard

To become more efficient and save considerable time, all new emails should be read with the aim of filing, routing, or discarding them.

  • Filing an email signifies that after reading it, you would like to keep it, as the message might be valuable to access in the future.
  • Routing is applied to an email that requires follow-up, or one that you need to read at a future time.
  • Discard is used for emails that are irrelevant or require no future action.

The Sent Box too!

I consider an email processed only when the Inbox and Sent Box are empty since a copy of the sent emails appears in the Sent Box. Additionally, I recommend going directly to the Sent Box as soon as you send an email. File, route, or discard that email right away.

Careful Management

The careful management of emails can prove invaluable to making your business more efficient. In conclusion, a well-organized email system allows you to access information as you need it and eliminates the clutter that can slow that process down.

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