Digital products offer immense potential for boosting the effectiveness of your sales. But the biggest hurdle for distribution sales at present is obtaining buy-in for digital solutions. As sales professionals, we must be open to learning and utilizing new technologies Digital products offer immense potential for boosting the effectiveness of your sales. However, the biggest hurdle for distribution sales at present is obtaining buy-in for digital solutions. As sales professionals, we must be open to learning and utilizing new technologies in our sales processes.

Achieving Digital Buy-in

To get your team on board with new digital applications, the value of the technology needs to be proven. Also, experience has repeatedly taught me that to implement any new product, process, or organizational change, a successful beta test must be initiated. When a salesperson sees or hears about a successful new tool, he/she will buy in to it.

My suggestion for introducing new technology to your company is to assemble a task force with a company executive, sales manager, and outside sales team members. It would also be wise to include a technology consultant for additional expertise. The task force should then demonstrate the value of the new technology.

Digital Solutions Matter

Keep in mind, your company invests in digital solutions for a reason. Today’s savvy customers all use AI applications to decide on products early in the sales process. Sales reps often enter a sales cycle that is already 60-70% into a customer decision. A salesperson must be ready to defend the company’s position diligently. The tech stack helps you do this.

The New Tech Stack

Here is what to look for in new technology offerings and how best to leverage them for increased sales.

  • Consider new software, such as voice-activated and data integrated call reviews from AI-backed conversation intelligence.
  • Look into emerging capabilities in ERP, CRM, eCommerce, Product Content Management (PCM), Business Intelligence (BI), and pricing. Review calls from your AI-backed conversation applications.
  • Leverage AI generated data to make more accurate sales forecasts.
  • Research carefully and verify information by making multiple searches. Remember, data collected by generative AI is only as good as the information that is inputted.

Fold in New Resources

In conclusion, the tech stack is deep. Welcome its benefits and be willing to fold new resources into your sales process.

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