Blogs from Art Waskey

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“Whos” Can Help?

Getting unstuck I work with distributors that know they need to move forward on their digital journey but can’t seem to get to the next step. Others want to add another branch store. They can’t decide on a location, when to add additional personnel, or where to find...

Consumers Want to Buy

Just sit there Today’s consumer wants to buy. They do not want to be sold. If you want to succeed in 2024’s marketplace, your sales team needs to reflect on the difference between what was successful in the past with what works now. The new sales reality changes how...

Build a Customer Success Team

The customer experience The digital transformation has radically changed the Customer Experience. To stay competitive the independent distributor must find new ways to reduce operating costs, improve pricing effectiveness, transform evolving marketing methods, and...


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The Digital Differentiator

Key Differentiator Many B2B purchases are made before a consumer even contacts a vendor. According to data from SiriusDecisions, 67% of the purchasing process is completed digitally. In spite of...

Passionate About Success

There are many elements that go into achieving success in a competitive sales environment. I have found that passion is one of the most critical. A lack of enthusiasm for yourself, your job, and the...

Managing Stress

Stress at Work When stress overcomes you, it can hinder your ability to move forward. I have often been so stressed by noon that I wasn’t hungry for lunch at work. A splash of cold water at the sink...
Getting the contract signed

Getting the contract signed

Once you have identified your customer’s needs and those making the purchasing decision, move into investment discussions and present your...

Validate the Decision Makers

Validate the Decision Makers

A critical phase of a successful sales cycle is validating the decision maker(s). Digitalization has made communication — the centerpiece of any...

Identifying Customer Needs

Identifying Customer Needs

Once you have built trust and understand your customers’ backgrounds and motivations, you can identify their needs and begin to formulate solutions....

Understand your customer

Understand your customer

Building trust in customer relationships is critical to a successful sales cycle. To establish trust you need to understand your client’s needs and...

Trust in Customer Relationships

Trust in Customer Relationships

Selling involves the transfer of trust, and a successful sales cycle revolves around establishing trust in customer relationships. The manner in...

Building a Permanent Filing System

Building a Permanent Filing System

Having a consistent digital filing system that supports your business's objectives is critical to success in the digital era. Here are 3 key actions...

How to Better Manage Your Email

How to Better Manage Your Email

A full mailbox is a time sink. Many people assert that checking emails is the biggest time-waster among all management tools. This makes it...

An Effective Calendar System

An Effective Calendar System

The digital calendar Today’s digital calendars offer highly effective calendar systems that greatly improve our ability to manage time. When...

Integrity, Intensity, Intelligence

Integrity, Intensity, Intelligence

Generating insights As I age, I find myself taking more time with a friend or colleague over a cup of coffee. Gone are the “all business” meetings...

Managing Your Contact List

Managing Your Contact List

Your Contact List is your lifeline. Managing it well is essential to your success. Let’s look at the skills required for an effective automated...

Use Available Digital Capabilities

Use Available Digital Capabilities

Many purchasing decision makers are now digital natives and that number continues to grow. This makes the excellence of your digital capabilities...

Customer personalization

Customer personalization

Independent distributors succeed based on the added value they bring to the customer relationship. In 2024, strengthening customer personalization...

Adopting AI in Marketing

Adopting AI in Marketing

The traditional marketing landscape is changing rapidly as Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools are introduced. AI is disrupting the usual sales...



Looking Back As I start the New Year, I like to make observations about the previous year. Looking back, 2023 was a year replete with some big...

AI and Cost Containments

AI and Cost Containments

One of the greatest advantages of deploying Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications is the effective cost containments they yield. AI can help...

Consider Implementing AI

Consider Implementing AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications offer exciting possibilities for transforming how business is done. Its applications are complex and very...

AI and Marketing Productivity

AI and Marketing Productivity

Coming to your market Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are rapidly infiltrating market spaces. McKinsey has declared that “AI is poised to...

Managing Change and Building Trust

Managing Change and Building Trust

Be a differentiator The distribution business is built on managing change, building trust, strong relationships, and the ability to find solutions...

Strengthen Your Sales Position

Strengthen Your Sales Position

Digital tools have altered the customer experience. For example, product research, once the realm of the sales rep, is now done routinely by the...

Build Online Confidence

Build Online Confidence

Changing Customer Relationships I consult primarily with distributors with revenues of $10 million and below. This group's success stems from...

Taking Control of the Mind

Taking Control of the Mind

Our mind can be likened to an iceberg. The tip of the iceberg represents the relatively small part of our brain which is our conscious mind. This...

Organizational Tools

Organizational Tools

Why organize? What is it that makes being organized a functional way to succeed? To begin, it is important to realize that with every business...